Spread Your Story with a Press Release

What is Press Release?

A press release is an official statement delivered to members of the news media for the purpose of providing information, creating an official statement, or making an announcement directed for public release. Press releases are also considered a primary source, meaning they are original informants for information. A press release is traditionally composed of nine structural elements, including a headline, dateline, introduction, body, and other components. Press releases are favorable towards the organization that commissioned them, framing the topic according to its preferred criteria. In the digital age, consumers want to get their information instantly, bringing about pressure on the news media to output as much material as possible. This is why SEO Agent rely on press releases to create stories for our clients to get their brand on top of the Google search results.

A press release serves three purposes: to generate attention, make news and get publicity. This can be used to generate interest in corporate news and are both factual as well as efficient. Press releases can also be shared on client’s pages using a social media strategy. A press release written well can be a cost-effective way to get the media’s attention to a possible news story. It also serves as a great way for an official announcement to be made.

What is Press Release - SEO Agent

We can launch a press release in a variety of situations*, including:


Company Announcements

Restructuring, expansion and relocation, new locations strategic partnerships, investors or new financial backers are all worthy subjects for a press release.

Results of Research

The release of the results of a survey, study or other type of research related to the business.

Product Announcements

New products, improved products and new retail outlets could all be announced via a press release.

Awards and Honors

All awards or special recognition given by a company, product or employee are worthy of press release.

Initiative Announcements

A press release would be appropriate to announce any new internal or external projects that have an impact on the company’s communities.

Employee Announcements

New hires and promotions deserve a press release.

By doing press releases, we will bring your news story to;


Your local business community


Your customers


Your prospects


Influencers who refer your business


Potential business partners


Your vendors


Other companies in your industry


Thought leaders in your space

By doing press releases, we will bring your news story

Five Main Reasons Why Press Releases Are Important

Credibility is a key goal for every business. Press releases are a great way to increase your credibility. Press releases are trusted sources of information for consumers. You can build trust with journalists and existing customers by consistently distributing accurate press release information. This is particularly important for small businesses that are growing or start-ups to spread positive word about their business.

Press releases are considered one of the most trustworthy sources of brand-related information.

Press releases can also be written in-house. This allows you to control the voice and message of your brand. This allows you to influence the public’s perception of what your business is. Are you still not convinced about the importance of a news release? Let’s not stop there.

Engage with the Media

Social media has made it possible to distribute press releases to journalists. They can also be made public via social media channels. Your business can interact with many consumers by distributing a press release via social media channels. Our team is skilled in marketing your press release through social media platforms for maximum results.

Increase Public Relations Activity

A reporter from the news media, or anyone else interested in the subject, will likely pick up your press release if it is timely and current. This allows for additional publicity through radio interviews and television interviews.

Manage a Crisis

The importance of a news release is centered around crisis communication. When things go wrong, press releases can be an effective tool. You get to tell the story first. What is a crisis communication news release? A crisis communication press statement is a communication that identifies the crisis facing a company and its stakeholders. It also includes a plan to minimize its impact or help those affected. This helps to end speculation about the crisis definition and company’s response by clearly communicating the facts and creating a central source for information from the company.

Search Engine Traffic

Having information about your company published through a press release on large news sites is not only beneficial for your company’s brand, but also for SEO. A well-written press release utilizing SEO best practices allows search engines to find, match, index and rank your press release. With 63,000 searches per second, having a high-ranking press release on Google and other search engines provides enhanced exposure to current and future customers. The importance of a press release doesn’t stop with just building media relationships, but carries throughout your marketing strategy, including building your search engine traffic. This is where you need SEO Agent to get the best output from your press release.

We use press release strategy not only for bringing your news to the audience, but also we bring your target audience to your business website with generating a huge website traffic and this will help to generate rich leads for increasing your sales.

We use press release strategy not only for bringing your news to the audience
FOX 40
Digital Journal
Digital Journal
Daily Times Leader
The Call
Pawtucket Times

and more channels.

No longer need to be waiting, contact your local SEO experts at SEO Agent and bring your business news to the best target audience with generating a huge traffic to your business website.

SEO Agent Pty Ltd

(03) 4050 4970

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Thursday - 7.00 AM - 6.00 PM

Friday - 7.00 AM - 6.00 PM

Saturday- 7.00 AM - 6.00 PM

Sunday - 7.00 AM - 5.00 PM

Public Holidays - 7.00 AM - 5.00 PM

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